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This is what I have written about my essay. It would be very helpful for me your commets.
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This is what I have written about my essay. It would be very helpful for me your commets.
Thank you!!

Introduction: The idea of migrating to a foreign country is not a new issue. For ages people have left their homeland behind escaping from wars, poverty and racial prejudice. USA has been generally chosen as the best place to settle in. In fact America is viewed as the Promised Land because of its powerful government and international language. These two are the factors that make it an attractive land to start life again.
Although immigrants may leave their country with a goal in mind, to work hard for their future generations’ economic welfare, there may be something that money cannot erase from their memories, that is: their unforgettable place of birth.
Thesis: “When in Rome do as Romans do”: this could be applied to the way Nancy’s mother, the main character of The Warrior Woman and The Easter Hat, tries to fit in the American society being herself a Chinese citizen. The fact is that she should behave like most American people do following their customs, traditions or culture in spite of the fact that she feels a Chinese resident in flesh and blood.